Moving System Breaks. Please help ASAP

• Jul 15, 2015 - 22:05

Hello. I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm creating an orchestral score, and I'm adjusting the orchestral template to my needs. Unfortunately, even though Horns 1 & , and Horns 3 & 4 are bracketed together, there is a big space in between them. This problem does not occur anywhere else. Changing system distance doesn't work. I'm in MuseScore 2.0. I can't seem to adjust any spacing between systems. Like, the spacing in between bracketed sections is no larger than the spacing between staves. .Please help ASAP. This is for contest. Thank you!


Best to post the score for questions like this so that someone can take a look at it, correct it (if possible) and tell you (and others) how they achieved that correction.

Indeed, it is difficult to help if you don't post the actual file. I can *guess* that maybe you have added space above the Horn 3 staff - either using a spacer from the palette, or by shift_dragging it downward, or using the "Extra distance" setting in Staff Properties.

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