Disappearing bar lines in Guitar staff/TAB duet when you hide one of the instruments

• Jul 16, 2015 - 16:31

(Nightly: 096e59f). See attached file.

Open the guitar duet (staff/TAB) template. Go into continuous view. Open the instruments window and hide "Gtr 2." Click OK. Now go back to Instruments, make "Gtr 2" visible and hide "Gtr 1." Click OK. Now in continuous view you have a staff with no bar-lines! They will reappear however when you go into page view.

When first set up, the template had the "short bar lines bug" in the TAB in Gtr 2. So is it likely this is related to previous bugs reported around shortened bar lines?

Attachment Size
no_bar_lines.mscz 12.43 KB


Likely related, yes, but it turns out there were all sorts of different bugs that happened to have similar symptoms. I managed to fix a bunch for 2.0.2, but #68806: Bad barline spans with one-line staves after hiding / removing spanned staves proved more intractable. You might consider adding these steps in a comment to the issue report, so when we figure out a fix, we can see if it applies to your case here too or if more changes would be required.

BTW, the barlines reappear also as soon as you enter a note or otherwise force a relayout - even just Ctrl+A.

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