Frustrated--Can't get rid of naturals on key signatures.

• Jul 17, 2015 - 02:47
I've looked at the handbook section " "
"You can choose whether to show natural(s) in certain cases when changing the key signature. Under Style → General... → Accidentals you'll see the options:"
The problem is that there is no option labelled "Accidentals".
All I'm trying to do is be able to copy measures from my music theory book, and since it's physical, I can't just screenshot the parts I need! :( I'm very frustrated because it's extraordinarily hard to search for the help I need. I don't want to have to waste an hour searching for help each time I need to create flashcards to study with. Not only do I need to get rid of naturals on changed key signatures COMPLETELY, not just in certain cases, I need to get rid of bars that separate measures, I need to get rid of time signatures, and sometimes get rid of the staff lines altogether.
I really don't have any use for altering all the numerical settings. I really think that MuseScore would be better off simplifying doing basic tasks like these and leave things like measure margins to develop later.


A lot to dig into here. But based on the screenshots (and your statement that "The problem is that there is no option labelled 'Accidentals'"), you're using an out-of-date version of MuseScore that simply doesn't have all the same options as the current version. The good news is that the current version, MuseScore 2.0.2, is still 100% free, and you can get it from the download page of this site.

So, with 2.0.2 you can indeed turn off naturals in changed key signatures completely (or at least, for all cases except a change to C Maj or A min) as shown in the Handbook.

As to the other items, they can all be solved in the same place: right-click on an empty part of the staff or on an instrument name and choose "Staff Properties…" There are simple checkboxes for (among other things) "Show time signature," "Show barlines," and "Invisible staff lines."

Probably you don't wan tot turn off key or time signatures completely; you wan tot disable *courtesy* time or key signatures. These are absolutely needed in "real" music, but for exercise sheets, you might not want them. They are turned off in Style / General / Page.

You can also combine measures with Edit / Tools / Join Measures - assuming that's what you mean by "get rid of bars that separate measures".

It is important to understand the primary purpose of MuseScore is creating music, not theory flashcards, that is why the defaults don't always work as you might want. But luckily, MuseScore provides all the controls you need. Just ask if you need further help after upgrading and foloowng the suggestions already given here.

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