Import of freely played septuplets into 4/4 based measures

• Jul 21, 2015 - 02:24


I tried to import a very long sequence of freely played (not rhythmically detectable) septuplets and, after a long struggle, the best I could end up with was many many 7/16(time signature) based measures to somehow hold every one of those 7-notes-pieces. But what I actually need is 4/4 based measures, every one holding 4 septuplets of 16ths.

I tried to copy 7 of those 7/16 based 16ths into a 4/4 based septuple of 16ths, but got a message that I am not allowed to copy into a septuple. Why not - that would probably have solved my problem??

So how can I transfer those multiple 7/16 based 16ths into 4/4 based septuplets of 16ths, i.e. 4 septuplets per measure?

See the attached example to get a better idea.


Attachment Size
Example.jpg 237.81 KB


Realistically, you can't get there from here. If you want to import complex rhythms from MIDI, it would have to be played in strict tempo to have any chance of success, and even then, I'm not sure sure if it will recognzie septuplets. Most likely, it will be far easier to just input those notes directly in MuseScore.

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