One note crescendos/decrescendos

• Jul 21, 2015 - 16:49

I've always wanted one note crescendos/decrescendos and forte piano. It really appeals to me because you can end off a song with a loud note then softly go to the next song (which can be moving (quiet usually)) or to end off a piece and vice versa. For forte piano, you can play a note, immediately get soft, then go as loud as marked. It would be fun to play around with, ya know? I'd also like slurs as well.


I guess you man playback of those, right? As all these are available for notation ever since, but indeed they don't play back properly and that is, I think, on the roadmap for the next version of MuseScore

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

To be clear, they are on the roadmap to be *considered* for the next version. Neither is particularly easy, which is why they haven't happened yet, and probably won't happen until some relatively major underlying changes in the way we deal with playback are implemented. Some of those changes *are* being worked on from what I understand, but I have no idea if all this would really be likely to come together by the next release, if at all. It would be nice, I agree.

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