can't open file with newest musescore

• Jul 23, 2015 - 21:55

I just downloaded the new musescore 2.0.2. I tried to open a .mscx file, and I a message saying
This score was saved under a newer version of MuseScore.
It is a score I created with the latest compiled version.

Is this really intended behavior?

I pressed Ignore, and it seems to load file.

Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 22.54.31.png

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 22.54.31.png 299.74 KB


Yes, this message is correct. The development versions - what you build yourself from the "master" - have some things in them that are potentially incompatible with older versions, such that some scores created with it would not load correctly in 2.0. As a result, the internal file format version number was bumped from 2.06 to 2.07 to prevent inadvertently corruption of a file or crashes that might result from trying to open a newer file in an older build.

If your score doesn't happen to use any of the things that changed, there would be no problem. But in general, it is now a given that 2.1, when released, will not be forward-compatible with 2.0.x. That is, 2.0.x scores will open in 2.1, but 2.1 scores will not open in 2.0.x.

See also

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