C Major Scale Tabs distribution haywire.

• Jul 25, 2015 - 23:25

Hi again,

I am using MuseScore 2.0.1 with Ubuntu Studio 14.04. I am experiencing a weird problem with transposition from notes to guitar tabulature. I wrote a C Major scale in a piano part and then pressed "I" and added an acoustic guitar (non-classical). I then selected all of the measures in the piano part and copy pasted to the acoustic guitar tabulature. The weird thing is that (see attached file) all of the tabs are bunched around the first two strings. What I want is to bunch the tabs as close as possible to the first position and not ending up having tabs down to fret 19 on the second highest string! Hrumpf. Is there something that I didn't do correctly or is this a bug?

Attachment Size
musescore_c_scale_tabs.png 43.84 KB
Selection_003.png 43.33 KB


Indeed, you are simply doing a mistake about the clefs.
The piano uses the ordinary treble clef (as you see on your attached file), while the guitar uses the treble clef 8vb (with the little number 8 below the clef)
So, the octaves don't may correspond when you copy-paste the first staff in the Tab staff.
Either you change this clef (first staff - see first image below) before entering the notes, either, if the notes are entered, you select all and then Ctrl + Down arrow. So, you get a result as expected after the copy-paste.
But, the normal way, is too chose firstly the good instrument (guitar) for the top staff, before adding a Tab Staff.


And the reason for this is that guitar sounds an octave lower that written. The high E string in a guitar is written in the top space is the staff but actually sounds like the bottom line E would on piano. So your scale really is very high on the guitar. You should transpose it down an octave if you wish it played anywhere but high on the top strings.

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