No Audio

• Jul 29, 2015 - 00:33

I recently updated to 2.02, but since then, none of the playback actually plays audio. The mixer has all voices playing, the in-app volume is up, and still nothing will play back. I tried to repair the program with a new install file, I uninstalled and reinstalled, but still no sound, even with new scores. Am I the only one with this problem? Is there some hidden feature that might be muting my playback? It's a pretty serious issue, as the main thing I use musescore for is hearing how things sound together. My OS is Windows 7. Any and all help would be appreciated.


In reply to by nicholas.cain.97

Did you follow the instructions in the "this process" link in the above post? This shoudl revert your installation to factory settings. Most likely, you had incompatible settings from a previous version installed in a different location, or something like that, and this will fix it.

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