problems importing musicxml files from impro-visor

• Sep 20, 2010 - 21:54

I'm having serious errors importing leadsheets from impro-visor into musescore 9.6.2. I think I've found what's causing the problem too, and it appears that if you have a chorus that's more than say 36 measures of 4/4 time, musescore has to load the leadsheet onto 2 pages, and as a result, there are tremendous errors. Is there a way to set the "import" functions of musescore to accept a larger number of measures so this doesn't happen? Thanks ...but once again, if the number of measures is less than 36, then there's no problems, but if over, then major bugs and problems...


In reply to by David Bolton

Actually, it's better if I just describe what's happening, as I think that will be more helpful, especially to programmers and developers of this software. What's happening is that a lot of the musical notation like triplet notations are being lost on import, and as a result, the measure lengths then become very irregular (e.g. if you're in 4/4 time, you'll end up with all these irregular bars also, i.e. ones with 6 beats or 3 beats). Also, on import, the triplet bars will be very large and extend to the next page. Also, I tried correcting these problems, and it's very hard/impossible to do, as you can't really get rid of irregular barlines (or you just have to hide them with the invisible function), and then because of the irregular beats, you correct one thing, and then all these other things have to be corrected (quite a pain!!!) because everything else is now way off. And then, when I resave, and try to bring the file up again, stuff has been deleted and nothing has really been corrected. So, anyway, with larger choruses (and by a chorus, for non-musicians what I mean is the repeated form which in contemporary music can be much larger than 36 measures) musescore doesn't work at all. Impro-Vise can produce any length chorus really, so at present this is incompatible with musescore. I really hope these problems get fixed though, because I've gotten used to both musescore and impro-vise and love the free nature of musescore, and would never want to purchase Finale which is way too expensive. Thanks p.s. so when do they expect the new version of musescore to be out? the 9.6.3?

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Unfortunately, I inadvertently "wacked" some of my files in improvise yesterday, and this was because I tried to make the chorus shorter, and then ended up truncating the files, but I think I saved some here. Here's the first chorus. Please let me know if you're seeing the same problems, indications. I also have problems sending attachments with this computer/internet service though.

Attachment Size
FLUTE main improv section C--cho 1.xml 99.18 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I don't think that's correct, because impro-visor generates licks with all kinds of odd stuff. Here's an example of a smaller xml file which loaded correctly into musescore. This is why I think the problem is with musescore reading the file in. In bar 8 of this 32 bar chorus (less than 36), there's an odd tuplet that replicates perfectly. I'll send it here and you can open it in musescore and see for yourself.

Attachment Size
OLEO--6.xml 73.53 KB

In reply to by pwhite

I took a look to the first MusicXML file and believe me, the MusicXML file is not correct, so impro-visor exporter is the problem. I don't know why yet. And indeed the second one looks correct.
As I said, I wrote the MusicXML file exporter of improvisor and it's a lot less tested than MusicXML import (I helped to write that one). I will take a look to improvisor code if I find some time ...

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

okay, sounds good...I'm just a user, but I guess just let me know on here when impro-visor gets fixed cause I really like that program a lot, and if you helped develop it, kudos to you...That just sounds strange what you're saying though, because why would the 2nd export work fine, but not with longer files?? are they coming out with new versions of impro-visor all the time as well, thought that was finished? ...

For what it worth, I wrote the musicXML export function of Improvisor some time ago. Not sure how it evolves, but it can also be a bug in Improvisor (even if MuseScore should not crash)

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