How to insert symbols on staff *before* the actual music?

• Sep 23, 2010 - 22:32


This has probably been asked before; I tried to search the forums, but I had no clear which keywords to search for and of course I did not find anything relevant!

On occasions, I need to start the actual music somewhere after the beginning of the staff, reserving a few centimeters at the beginning of the staff for various indications (they may be the used note range, a quotation of the original time and note values, ...).

An example is attached (ignore the precise symbols used there, they may be of different kinds).

I found most of the required features, but I did not find a way to move the initial key, clef and brace. Is this possible?

If it is not possible, a good solution could be adding a "leading space" parameter to the initial brace element, as it is currently possible for a note element.



Attachment Size
pre-staff.png 118.93 KB


In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks for your reply.

I know about horizontal frames and I use them regularly.

However, they would not solve this particular issue, because adding a horizontal frame 'shifts' to the right also the staves, but I need to shift brace(s), clef(s) and key(s) while keeping the staves in place to add to them the required symbols in the empty staff space left at the beginning.

And, yes, in all the occasions I met so far, I need this only for the first system. Of course, if the score contains multiple pieces, I need it for the first system of *each* piece!



In reply to by Miwarre

You could import an SVG image of the brace and place it on the second measure of the score. Another workaround might be to use a winged repeat on the second measure and cover the dots so that it looks like a brace instead of a repeat.

laconic: yes, the main issue is moving the brace (or the first 'common' bar line, when no brace is used).

I am not sure I understand what you mean by "dedicated first measure": do you mean the *second* measure used as first, leaving the first empty for the additional symbols? Anyway, I would assume that, if the initial brace (or bar line) could be moved to the right, everything after it (clef(s), key(s), time(s) ) would follow.

David: I have never tried to import images so far; how do they react to change in formatting (margins, spacing, main page scaling, ...)? Any known side effect if several of them (say 10 to 20) are added in a smallish area?

Anyway, I played with your idea, extending it by adding a large leading space in front of the first note and using it to place the symbols.

I came up with the attached image: gray elements are generated elements made invisible, red elements are inserted symbols from the Z palette (they would of course be black in the 'real' thing). It is not finished (the second voice is not done yet) nor perfect and the main missing element is the initial extended bar line but it is probably worth pursuing.

Anyway, if possible / worth, a more 'clean' way supplied by the program (as a way to move the whole 'real' music to the right) would still be preferable.



Attachment Size
pre-staff_2.png 21.3 KB

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