Sharps and Flats bound to notes and not the Clef

• Aug 7, 2015 - 11:27


I'm making exercises.
I don't want any flats or sharps nested on the Clef, i want them on the individual notes.
I can do this by starting in C, but as soon as i transpose the exercise to use for Sax, musescore chages the key by adding 2 Sharps to the clef, because now it is in D
What is the most simple way to remove these and show them on the notes they are intended for?



Just use the Open/Atonal Key signature (the one with the grey cross) - you won't see it in the palette if you have basic workspace selected though - you'll need to select the advanced workspace first. The Open/Atonal key signature behaves like C major/A minor BUT, although instrumental parts still transpose, they use accidentals to do it and don't transpose their key signatures.

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