Correct placement of tie and slur

• Aug 10, 2015 - 19:29

I was wondering what the correct placement of the tie and slur shown here should be. This is MuseScore's default placement:

Tie and slur 1.png

Would it be more appropriate for me to just use a slur in this circumstance, even though I want the top line to be tied?

Tie and slur 2.png

Attachment Size
Tie and slur 1.png 3.16 KB
Tie and slur 2.png 2.88 KB


If you want the top not tied, you definitely need a tie. This isn't really standard notation in any case, though. Really, you shouldn't have two tied eighths there but a quarter note in a different voice. It's technically allowed to tied individual notes of a chord like this, but it's not the right way to notate passages like this except maybe in rare special circumstances, and it would mostly likely just cause confusion here.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Right, I am aware of this not being standard notation. Though I've come to realize that in some situations, notating tied notes parallel with moving notes helps when figuring out when to stop playing. Something similar to that idea is shown here, where the top line is notated so you could count the beat:

Tie and slur 3.png

Even though I know it should probably be notated like this, which is a little harder to count the beat:

Tie and slur 4.png

This one would probably be even easier to read as well:

Tie and slur 5.png

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Tie and slur 3.png 8.52 KB
Tie and slur 4.png 6.06 KB
Tie and slur 5.png 7.72 KB

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