Timing Trouble

• Aug 11, 2015 - 04:36

I was halfway through my song, "Lion of Yahudah, Prince of Peace," when I listened to it and realized the timing wasn't right. I think it's 6/8, not 4/4, but I've never scored in 6/8 before and I'm having some problems. In 4/4, everything was going too slow, but now it's too fast. I'm pretty sure the timing should be 6/8, but just in case, please listen to my YouTube recording and let me know if this is right. I've ALWAYS had trouble with timing when scoring, but NOT when playing music. That is, I just play it and don't THINK about the timing. Just now listening to it again, it seems like 4/4, only the beats are MUCH slower than I'd at first thought. I think I'm all mixed up! If you think you can help, here's my recording:

Also, I wanted to combine my two accounts on MuseScore. I created the first account 2-3 years ago and have forgotten my log in information. Since I've got a new email address now, I was hoping to put everything under my present log in info, but somehow add my recent material to the first account. I don't know how to do this. I had inquired about it a few weeks ago and someone responded suggesting I do exactly what I wanted to do, but although I could see the response was immediate, the email didn't get to me until 3 days later and when I responded, I didn't get an answer. The first account has only one song, "We Will Always Be Seventeen." If you can combine these for me or tell me how to do it, I'd really appreciate it!

Many thanks!


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