Problems noticed while working

• Aug 12, 2015 - 18:56

Hello....and thank you to all who have helped me so far...huge help...just a few more then I think I've got this figured all out. I have attached a copy of what I'm working on to follow along.

Q1: In measure 15, there is a F (half) and right under it is a quauter note (C)...when I try to input that on my score it will only allow a eighth or half but not can i over ride that automatic input? The same happens in some of the meausres that have separate notes that are either dotted or half with quarter...

Q2: So for fingering I've figured out, but I would also like to add the name of a note so as I play I can remind myself what letter to least until i learn all my for a low g on treble i'd like to make a "G" under it to tell myself to hit right note.....


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Abide_With_Me_0.mscz 18.39 KB

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