Incomplete View of MS2 on my PC

• Sep 1, 2015 - 14:32

I really like the new features that I have discovered so far on MS2! (A gradual process.) But I have an anomaly/problem-- The display/view of MS2.0.2 on my PC screen is cut off at the bottom of the screen by about 1/2 inch to 1 inch. So much so that I cannot use the Font size , Italics, Bold, etc. features at the bottom left when I wish to Add Text etc. The odd thing is I noticed that when I click on a dynamics mark such as F, MF, or something to add sempre or some such indication, the Text display at the bottom left becomes normal only for that operation, though. Puzzling.


Sounds more like the bottom part of the MS window is behind the taskbar. Manually adjust the MS window so it doesn't occupy that space. I know, Windows is supposed to do that for you, but sometimes it doesn't.

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