Using My_First_Score

• Sep 3, 2015 - 18:22

My_First_Score opens with 4/4 time signature, 32 measures. When I change to 3/4 time, it changes to 18 measures on first staff, 19 measures on second staff, and 6 measures on third staff. I only want 24 measures, with 4 measures per staff (6 staffs), 3/4 time. How do I do this?


The reason there were 4 measures per staff originally is there are line breaks on the barlines every 4 bars. those are removed when you change time signature because the original barlines no longer exist. So you simply need to add back line breaks every four bars if that is what you want - see Edit / Tools / Add/Remove Line Breaks. But also, be aware that MuseScore is going to space the music for you automatically as you add notes - you won't *really* end up with 18 measures on the first system. Only as many as actually fit once they have notes. Normally, you should just let MsueScorew do that automatically, as this will yield the optimum spacing. Forcing 4 bars per line is done occasionally for some special purposes (fakebooks, certain educational materials, etc) but in general, letting MsueScore handle the line breaks for you will give you results more consistent with how most music is published.

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