Appoggiature not being rendered properly in multi-voice context

• Sep 8, 2015 - 13:22

Take a look at the enclosed (snapshot of) The appoggiature on the quarter-notes are being rendered as "grace notes" (e.g., m. 5 last beat). Try the same thing in a fresh score, with no other voices, and they are correctly sounded as eighth-notes. Yes, the correct appoggiatura graphic is selected and used. I'm not sure if it's the presence of other voices or what which is disabling proper behavior.


By "rendering" here, I guess you really are talking about playback?

I can reproduce it, and indeed, it seems to happen even if delete and re-add the the grace note D. However, it goes away if I delete and re-add the main note C# then re-add both it and the grace note.

It appears ypu had perhaps gone in to the pianoroll editor and modified the length of this note, as it is set to 998 rather than 1000, and it is the fact that the note has had its properties explicitly modified in this way that is causing the automatic playback to not be compatible. If you explicitly change the length of a note, you are obligated to explicitly set its start too if you wish it to be other than the automatically-determined default.

So assuming you did in fact make that modification deliberately, mystery solved. If not, then I guess the question is, how did it happen? Could have something with all the septuplets; if there copy and paste involved, I could imagine the coutns getting off by a couple of ticks somehow even though it should. So steps to reproduce this issue from scratch would be helpful.

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