Import pdf

• Sep 14, 2015 - 14:19

I love musescore but am having difficulty using the import pdf feature. I have attached a file that was successfully converted from pdf format but when opened in musescore caused the musescore program to close down. I have attached the original pdf and the converted file. I am using musescore version 2.0.2 and windows 8.1. Do you have any suggestions?

I tried to import another pdf file but this was not converted successfully. Is this normal? I have attached this one too.


PDF - to music conversion (optical music recognition, or OMR) is highly experimental technology, not just in MuseScore, but in general. If it happens to work and happens to occasionally produce results that are somewhat faster than entering the material by hand, great, but don't count on it. Think about how good (or not) "Siri" is in terms of voice recognition, then imagine what that technology looked like 20 years ago. That's about the state of OMR today.

Of course, it shouldn't cause crashes. MuseScore uses a third party program called Audiveris to convert the PDF to MusicXML, and I suspect the MusicXML it generated was corrupt and that is the cause of the problem. Can you use "Help / Report a Bug" from MuseScore to make an official bug report on the crash?

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