test numbering system: I would prefer to name my tests after issue# instead of using sequential numbers.

• Sep 18, 2015 - 01:34

The convention in mtest is that the tests (at least for repeat and clefs) is to use sequential numbers, eg: repeat01, repeat02, ... or clef_courtesy01 clef_courtesy02 ...

If I am working on a few different related issues and am making different PRs for the same class, then I would like for the test case naming scheme to not clash when pushing. So I would prefer to name my tests using the issue name in the test title instead of sequential numbers, such as clef_courtesy_78196 for instance to refer to a courtesy clef test for issue #78196. Then maybe if I have multiple tests for that issue, I could start appending a number after that, like clef_courtesy_78196_01, clef_courtesy_78196_02

Is this ok if I do this?


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