define the position of staff lines

• Sep 18, 2015 - 08:50

I wish the software can allow user to manually define the position and the number of staff lines, to ease beginner to read score sheets. For example, change the staff lines into 3 lines per group, each 3 lines corresponds to CDEFGAB, so that the octave repetitive pattern is preserved.

An example is given below:
after modification:

In such a way, people only need to remember the mapping of 7 positions instead of 21 positions. Piano beginners can learn faster. Currently, I am doing that using Lilypond.

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featherInDreams-6string.pdf 1.33 MB


There is someone working on support for such non-standard / experimental / non-traditional notation, you might want to check out the "Music Notation Project" mailing list. See for more information.

Someday these changes might be incorporated into MuseScore, but there are some big changes that would be required, so I don't know that I would be expecting it any time soon.

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