mp dynamics for trumpet not rendering properly

• Oct 3, 2015 - 19:14

Could you explain why, for a trumpet playback, mp is lighter in volume than p?
The xml indicates that mp should be rendered louder than p:
tag: sound dynamics=""
mf => 88.89
mp => 71.11
p => 54.44
The following files show it is not the case for trumpet playback but is the case for euphonium playback:
The exported wav files also show the same discrepancy:
Is this a limitation in the code that renders the sound for the trumpet?
Or is it a bad setting or value on my computer?
I am arranging music for brass quartet. Your software works *wonderfully*, except for this.
I am using Version 2.0.2, Revision f51dc11.
Joe Judge
also, the mid files do *not* seem to show the discrepancy:


I suspect it is just a matter of the samples used in the particular soundfont you are using happen to use a brighter sound for the velocity range corresponding to "p" that comes off as louder depending on your particular speakers.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply.
The problem occurs on my external speakers as well as on my headphones.
Not sure if that means anything.
The .mid file playbacks did not have the problem.
Does that mean .mid playback uses a different soundfont?
Also, can you point me to some advice about trying soundfonts/samples for something that works better?

In reply to by Joe Judge

MIDI file playback depends entirely on what program you use to play the file with.

For other soundfonts, see the Handbook section "Soundfont", or just browse around. Realistically, the only one I find any better than the default overall is Timbres of Heaven, but it too has issues with volume and balance of brass instruments.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The problem is most pronounced for trumpets.
I patched together a workaround that so far does an adequate job:
Step 1: Get rid of "extra" dynamics:
Select All / right click one note / Select / All Similar Elements / Inspector / Velocity Type / Offset / Velocity / 0
Step 2: Adjust dynamics: p and mp for trumpets (repeat per staff):
Select any p / right click / Select / More / Same Subtype, Same Staff / OK / Inspector: / Dynamic / Staff, 40 [down from 49]
Select any mp / right click / Select / More / Same Subtype, Same Staff / OK / Inspector: / Dynamic / Staff, 70 [up from 64]

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