Musescore 3.6.0 Drumline Extension playing only snare

• Aug 9, 2024 - 18:58

I am having an issue with the Drum line Extension for Musescore 3.6.0. (The extension is up to date)

For example, I would load one of my cadences, and add the MDL snare, tenors, bass and cymbals, edit it so they are correct. When I play, its all snare drum. I look back at the synth and see it's snare on top. I remove snare on the top, and change it to tenors, and all of the drums sound like tenors. This goes for all the other drums.

I am unsure if this is a rare problem or something, or if it's because I am on Linux. I enjoy the extension and all of the sounds and opportunities of creation, but this is a problem in the way.

Thank you for your time.


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