Courtesy key signature & bar lines

• Dec 16, 2010 - 09:43

I think I found a little bug.

1- Open prova.mscz (see attachment)
2- Select the first 4 measures of the second instrument
3- Delete them

The double bar line at the end of the line disappears, see attachment
Expected result:
We should see a double line

Version Stable
& (Windows) Nightly build R.3769
OS: Windows XP Professional SP2

Note: I think the problem comes from the courtesy key signature at the end of the line

Another (related) little bug:
1- Open prova.mscz
2- Change Bflat key signature to F key signature to both instruments.
3- One of the measures in the second line jumps to the first line and the double bar disappears.

(Note that also when extracting the part of the first instrument the double line disappears)

P.S: Sorry if this is a duplicate. It may be related to

Attachment Size
prova.mscz 1.83 KB
prova.jpg 71.25 KB
delete_nightly.jpg 57.71 KB


The first report is not a bug. When you delete the 4 first measures, you create more room in the first system and so one measure of the next system comes on the first system. And so the key signature change appears one measure earlier on this system. You can see this by looking to the measure number at the beginning of the second system (17 before delete, 18 after). If you want to avoid this behavior, you must add a Break or spacer at the end of the first system.

Same for the second report.

In reply to by ABL

The main problem is in writing parts for an ensemble. See the attached file: the double line between 16 and 17 disappears also when exporting the part, so if one prints the part without re-inserting the double line, we have a different layout.
(a conductor may say: "let's start from the second double line", or something similar, but the player does not see a double line in his/her part)


Attachment Size
missing_double_line_nightly.jpg 36.67 KB

Since it seems I was not clear in the first post, here is another example:
1- open prova2.mscz, you should see something like the picture "original.jpg"
2- select the first 16 measure and "add more stretch" (2 times) until measure 17 goes to a new line: the dashed bar line becomes a double bar line, see "stretch.jpg"! This may be correct (i.e. by design), since we have a key change.
3- hit Undo (or Ctrl+z): we no more have what we wrote as input (i.e. a dashed bar line between 16 and 17), see "undo.jpg"

4- insert dashed bar line between 16 and 17
5- select the first 16 measure and "add more stretch": measure 17 goes to a new line and the dashed bar line transforms into a double bar line
6- hit Undo (or Ctrl+z): we have a single bar line instead of a dashed one!

I hope this time the report is more clear.


Attachment Size
prova2.mscz 2.01 KB
original.jpg 41.3 KB
stretch.jpg 43.78 KB
undo.jpg 42.96 KB

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