TouchScreen reading capability

• Oct 9, 2015 - 18:49

Hi, gang!!!

I have a friend that has a notebook with a TouchScreen and he asked me if MuseScore has, or will have, the capability to read the notes we write directly on the screen (with an special pen that notebook has).

Can MuseScore handle it? ??? If the answer is "NOT", Will it be implemented on a future version? ???

Also, he told me about an app (to cellphones and tablets) which does it (I don't have any clue about what he was talking about).

Some idea about this? ???

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



No. not currently,. not liekjly in the foreseeable future. There are a few apps I have that attempt to do this. Most are absolutely terrible, misunderstanding almost everything you try to write. One seems to be OK, but I believe it runs on Windows Surface only. If it supprots MusicXML exort, he could conceivably enter music using the app then transfer it to MuseScore via MusicXML.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I see.

Anyway, thank a lot for your data.

BTW: I don't have any clue about this technique, but... that "pen" (and the touchscreen itself, I guess) should need a "driver" (I'm guessing). Then, when the system recognize it, I think it is on the same "plane" with the mouse or keyboard (in other words: another input media). In that line... Isn't it a issue about the input way to enter the notes? ??? I'm talking about to add something like a plug-in. Or... Is it a too much complex issue? ???

In reply to by jotape1960

In the apps I assume he is talking about, input is *nothing* like a mouse. You don't tuch the pen to an icon, you literally draw the note, and the system attempts to recognize what you drew. It's an incredibly complicated system, nothing even remotely like how other applications work, and it works absolutely terribly most of the time. Doing something like that would require writing an entirely new artificial-intelligence based handwriting recognition system, just to get sojething that will probably work terribly like all the others.

The other comments here notwithstanding, I do think that a simple touch screen or stylus interface (as opposed to full handwriting recognition) could be extremely helpful for three interaction modes: 1) note entry, 2) note selection, and 3) pitch adjustment. It does NOT strike me as an insurmountable technical effort to implement this kind of minimal touch screen support, but it could be an enormous time saver relative to keyboard- and mouse-based interaction for these specific activities. Note entry, in particular, could be sped up enormously if you could just repeatedly touch the staff at the points where you want notes entered. And dragging notes up and down with your finger or stylus would be a lot faster than what we do today. I hope that some developer who uses a touch screen will eventually look into this.

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