Measure size

• Oct 10, 2015 - 05:59

Good day
I am having trouble with MuseScore making single measures very long (wide) i.e. right across the page and the measure does not respond to the "decrease stretch" command. Please can you tell me how to override whatever is happening?


Measures are supposed to extend to the right margin; that is how music is almost always typeset. The only exception is normally the last system of the piece. MuseScore extends that system as well if it is larger then the "Last system fill threshold" in Style / General / Page, so if you would like to prevent it in some particular score, just increase that setting to 100%.

If you have some special case where you like a system *other* than the last to not extend to the right margin, insert a horizontal frame from the Frames palette.

It sounds to me as if you may have a "line break added and therefor the program cannot diminish the length of the measure. It's just a guess without seeing the score.

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