Two voices different lyrics on the same stave

• Nov 3, 2015 - 05:23

Hi, gang!!!

I think I missed something in the way.

I have a male quartet arrangement with, obviously, two staves:

a) upper stave (G clef) with the first tenor (voice 1) and second tenor (voice 2), and

b) lower stave (F clef) with the baritone (voice 1) and bass (voice 2).

The specific problem is about some measures where the tenors and basses have different rhythmic figures and lyrics (all voices are different).

Is there a way to put the lyrics (as lyrics, not system text) of the first tenor (voice 1) and baritone (voice 1) above the correspond staves? How? ???

Obviously, both cases should leave the second tenor and bass (voices 2 on both staves) lyrics on the standard place (below the staves).

BTW: To vocal parts, Is there a way to put the expression marks above the staves, to avoid collisions with lyrics? ???

Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



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