Playback issue

• Nov 13, 2015 - 20:16

Hi, gang!!!

I installed MuseScore 2.0.2 into a Lenovo desktop computer (Intel Dual Core at 1.6 GHZ, 64 bit, with 2GB RAM) under Lubuntu 15.10.

I don't have any clue about the sound card this computer has, but it is an "all-in-one" motherboard type.

Well, the issue is I get clicks and pops when I playback any piece with the Navigator visible. If I hide the navigator, there is not any clicks and pops.

Is it normal? Is something related with the sound hardware? Any idea if it could be fixed? ???

Thanks a lot for your time!!!

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



I have to change and add some things to this comment.

I've been testing this MuseScore 2.0.2 issue with my three PCs:
a) The most new "monster" desktop (Intel I7 at 3 GHZ, 64 bit, 8 GB RAM).
b) The old desktop (Lenovo, Intel Dual Core at 1.6 GHZ, 64 bit, 2 GB RAM).
c) The Sony VAIO laptop (Intel Duo Core at 2 GHZ, 64 bit, 2 GB RAM).

All of them under Lubuntu 15.10, with all the available upgrades.

The (b) and (c) computers have a lot of time random clicks and pops when I use the Navigator panel. The (a) computer has some clicks, too.

The Lenovo desktop and Sony VAIO has also some clicks without the Navigator.

The "new" monster PC has some clicks, a few, without the navigator, but only at the starting point.

I have tested it with a very large score (Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, with all the instruments).

I don't have any clicks and pops when I play 4 human voices arrangements, with or without the navigator, at any of the 3 computers.

SO... I think this is a clear hardware issue (sound cards with not enough "power" to play the MuseScore synthesized sounds).

BUT... Wouldn't there be some fix to this behaviour? ???

BTW: Is this issue a known issue? Or, Is it something just with my PCs? ???

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!


The commonality here is the Lubuntu OS.

Which makes me wonder if there is a bug in their sound drivers.

One other possibility is that the sound system is being slightly overloaded.

This would result in occasional digital clipping which manifests itself in the form of clicks and pops.

So I would try turning down the level on the Synthesiser page.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Yeah! I think you're so right, because I changed the audio device (into the MuseScore preferences) from Pulse to ALSA, and now I don't have any clicks or pops.

BUT... I can notice a visible delay time into the music cursor and the sounds I'm hearing (something like a half of second), with or without the navigator panel. Is there a way to correct this? ???

Also, there is a very noticeable out-of-synchronization of the metronome and the music notes itself, when I set ON the metronome, with ALSA Audio. Is it a known bug? ??? Some fix to this? ???

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