Not standard page size

• Nov 18, 2015 - 21:32

Hi, Gang!!!

I wonder if there is a page size standard about music score, far beyond the "normal" A4, or Legal size.

I'm talking about some old blank staves music score papers I bought when I was a music student (centuries ago!!!).

Those pages were something like 10 or 12 inches wide and, I guess, 16 inches long.

I don't know if there is some printer to those sizes, today (I had a wide size dot matrix printer, but it is broken now, and it is unfixed).

Does somebody know if I can get, today, this kind of paper size and some printer to handle it? ???

Greetings & Blessings from Chile!!!!!!!



There are *lots* of "standard" paper sizes used in printed music, and also lots of different paper sizes available. The specifics tend to vary from country to country. In the USA, the next common size bigger than 8.5x11 is 8.5x14 (Legal), which is almost never used for music. Next standard bigger size than that is 11x17" (tabloid), which isn't *terribly* difficult to find in the US, nor is it very hard to find printers capable of printing up to 13" wide and hence able to deal with tabloid-sized paper easily. But I have no idea about Chile.

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