Exporting audio without silence (empty measures)

• Nov 24, 2015 - 03:23

I have a 4 part score (choir) and I want to export each part in midi or audio, but not all the parts play at each measure and I don't want to have the empty measures included (silence) in the audio. Can this be done?
Also, somehow the volume of my exported midi file goes up and down for no apparent reason (does so during playback as well and i couln't figure out why...)
Thanks in advance for the help!


Volume during playback is controlled by the acutal dynamics in your score, but can also be overriden by the Velocity settings in the Inspector for any given notes. So presumably you either have dynamic markings or the velocity of individual notes has been set explicitly. If you still have trouble figuring it out, post the score and I'm sure someone will be able to show you what is going on and how to change it.

As for removing empty measures, best suggestion I can give is make a copy of the score and remove the empty measures before exporting the audio.

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