Grace Notes

• Jan 23, 2011 - 18:14


I'm running version, revision 3507 with Windows 7, and I'm having some issues with the grace notes.

First, the duration of time between the Acciaccatura grace note and its principal note appears to depend on value of the principal note. For example, if the value of the principal note is a 1/2 note, then the grace note will play an 1/8th note ahead of it. I don't know if this is the correct interpretation of Acciaccatura, so if it is, please let me know.

Second, the appoggiatura has a strange effect... it seems to delay the principal note. So, I will hear the grace note on the beat, and the principal note will follow an 1/8th note afterward. Again, is this the correct interpretation?

Third, I cannot hear the 1/4, 1/16, and 1/32 grace notes.

I think this is important especially for the drummers out there. A "flam" is a grace note that is usually shown as an Acciaccatura, but is usually played a 1/64th note (roughly) before the principal note. It serves to "fatten" the principal note on a percussion instrument, so it appears that the current interpretation of grace notes is a bit lacking for drummers.

It may seem trivial, but please check out the files I have attached for reference to observe what musescore is currently doing with complex grace note patterns. I have included a "flam free" excerpt for comparision. If there is a workaround, please let me know!


Mike S.

Attachment Size
Martian Mambo 453.37 KB


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I did some more searching and found that the 1/4, 1/16th and 1/32nd grace note issue has been reported before. I'll be looking forward to making use of those notes when they are available.

Also, by doing some additional experimenting, I found that I can alter the "ontime" and "offtime" for each note... but what is really strange is that if I set the velocity of the grace note very low, it appears that that principal notes stutter... i.e., the 1/16th note principal notes do not actually play back as continuous 1/16th notes. Its like the grace note actually displaces the principal notes during playback.

I have attached additional files. The first one labelled "stutters" shows this stuttering effect. The second one, called flams, is a two-part piece that attempts to demonstrate a more correct interpration of the flam type grace notes.

If this type of interpratation is not consistent with grace notes for other instruments in general, perhaps a separate grace note for drummers could be installed?


Mike S.

Attachment Size 310.09 KB

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