Midi input with time

• Dec 7, 2015 - 21:12

It would be extremely helpful if there was a midi input option that would allow the program to get the note duration from a keyboard. This would allow multiple note input and would also take out the guesswork of difficult to score timing.


What do you mean "get the duration from a keybaord"? If you go to Edit / Preferences / Note Input, you'll see a series of buttons that allows you to customize things so that pressing a given key on the keybaord transmits a specific duration. I'm not aware of any other method by which a keyboard can transmit duration information. Not sure what you mean by "guesswork", though 0 it's never guesswork. if you want a half note, you click the half note icon or press the keyboard shortcut "6" - no guesswork should ever be involved.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I would like to be able to play several notes and have the program put in the time instead of having to set the time for each note individually and them play the note. It is very time consuming to have to put in the time for each note (that is when ever the duration changes) between notes.

In reply to by Richard Foster

What ends up happening with real time input is that the progream has to guess the durations. Results are almost invariably poor and require lots of manually fixing up of durations that the program guessed incorrectly. But if you like, you can record your playing into a serquencer, save a MIDI file, then import that MIDI into MuseScore. You'll still need to spend lots of time fixing things up, because even though MuseScore is pretty good about guessing durations, it's nowhere near as good as a human.

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