Deleting a measure

• Feb 2, 2011 - 16:50

Dear Friends,

I have a question as a new user.

In order to delete a measure, I moved the mouse inside the measure and right clicked and chose Delete. It deleted all of the notes and replaced them by a rest, but did not delete the measure. The right clicking was the way the manual said to select a mesaure. I would appreciate specific information on how to select and delete a measure.

Thank you for your kind reply.


I just tried clicking on the measure and then CRTL-DELETE. The result was that it deleted the measure but stretched out the content of the previous measure to fill the space that the two measures previously occupied. Now there is too much space horzontally between successive notes. (This is not a question about vertical spacing between staves.) How can I delete a measure without affecting the previous or surrounding measures?

In reply to by xavierjazz

I do not understand your comment. I did File->New and created a new score with two measures and a pick-up. I added notes to the measures. Then I tried to delete the last measure. There is a double bar at the end of that measure. I am not sure what a break is in a Musecore score.

In reply to by peacenow

"Breaks" are things you can set to cause MuseScore to control how many measures appear on a line. See the "Breaks and Spacers" item on the main tool palette, and the corresponding Help topic.

But I think your problem is simpler. You've don't have enough measures to fil the line, so MuseScore is stretching them out to fill the line anyhow. That's what it is supposed to do with the last line of a score if it thinks you're close enough to filling the line that stretching the measures out won't look bad. If you disagree with the MuseScore's default setting for how full the line needs to be in order for it to get stretched, see Styles->Edit General Style->Page, and increase the value of the "Last System Fill Threshold". If you set it to 100%, it will never stretch an underfull last system; at 0% it always will. I usually keep mine below 50%, but I;ll use the breaks and spacers I mentioned above to make sure I don't ever end up with just one measure on the last line.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am currently typesetting musical examples for a paper and a book. All of my examples are one-line long, and often just one or two measures. I may also need examples that only have a staff and no measures at all - only chords made up of whole notes. That is one of my next questions - how to set that up, without having measures or meter at all.

In reply to by peacenow

Find attached a file with one measure per line on the first line and an horizontal frame. See Frame .
You can double click the horizontal frame and drag the blue handle to strech the measure more or less.
I also included several systems with 2, 3 or more measures with an horizontal frame at the end.

If it does not answer your question, you should rephrase it and make it more understandable.

Please open another topic for your other question.

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snippets.mscz 1.31 KB

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