suddenly missing parts of the program

• Dec 27, 2015 - 23:51

I put Musescore into a folder, and since then the controls for return to the beginning and play have dissapeared, and I cant play my music. What happened..what do I do now?


Option.. but a question with it. If I delete Musescore 2,02 will I lose the music that I have created with it. I could delete and reinstal, but not at the risk of my hard work.

If you're on Mac OS X, try putting MuseScore back into the Applications folder where it belongs. You may also need to run the factory revert process ( to get everything back to normal.

You don't need to worry about losing your music—as long as you don't delete the MSCZ files you've created, they'll stay around if you delete the application, and be waiting for you if you re-install.

All you need to do to restore that toolbar (Transport) is right click in the toolbar area and re-enable it

But FWIW, you don't need the toolbar to play your score. The Space bar is the shortcut for play, and you can return the playback to the first measure - or any measure - by clicking it.

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