Topics that Exceed 1 Page

• Feb 15, 2011 - 10:37

Not sure where to post this but..........................

Where a topic exceeds 1 page I can't find a way of getting to the 2nd and subsequent pages. It's quite frustrating when a new post has been added to an old topic and as I read through it suddenly stops at some point in 2009 or something.

I assume I'm just missing something obvious. can somebody put me straight on this?



There are no topics that exceed one page. I think what's happening is that someone replies to a comment in the middle of the page, and that's where the reply goes to - underneath what they're replying to. That's happened to me sometimes too, but if you'll scroll back up into the comments, you'll see that they're nested, and you should find a nested reply with a more current date somewhere in the middle.

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