Questions around the location of the cursor note input when a whole measure is selected

• Jan 5, 2016 - 12:03

It's a thing rather minor. But I wanted to clarify this.
To summarize:

1) into a score, by selecting a measure containing a whole note/rest, and press "N" :
- the cursor is inserted at the beginning of the measure

2) by selecting a measure containing two half notes/rests, and press "N":
- the cursor begins on the second half note/rest, ie on the third beat

3) by selecting a measure containing four quarter notes/rests, and press "N":
- the cursor begins on the last beat (or the note, if eighth note and so on)

(other example : in a 2/4 measure, with two quarter notes, the cursor begins on the second quarter note)

Is it the expected result?

An expectation would be rather, when a whole measure is selected, that the cursor would be always (by default) inserted at the start of the measure.

And when the user explicitly chooses to start to a particular location in the measure, so, it selects the desired beat/note before going note input mode.

This will give more coherence to this behavior? And so, it would be in parallel of the playback feature (ie select a whole measure, the playback starts at the beginning; select a particular note, the playback starts from this note) ?

I attach a test file: File test.mscz

See eg the last two measures in this same file: they have exactly the same content (with the D half note at the same location).
Yet: select the penultimate bar, and press "N": Result: the cursor appears on the last quarter rest.
Now do the same for the last measure. Result: the cursor is inserted on the first quarter rest.


The results depend on how you did the selection, and it is basically the last element added to the selection that begins note entry. So if you click on note then shift+click another, it is the second of the these notes that will begin note input, regardless of which note is earlier or later. Same if you make a selection then extend it with shift+right. If you make the selection by some other method, then the notes are added to the selection in some order that makes sense to MuseScore, and in any case, it will be the last note added to the selection that begins note inout. When selecting a measure by clicking an empty spot, the nites are added left to right, so indeed, note input begins with the last note. Often this is good, as you may want to simply continue where you left off.

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