Says error on converted PDF file

• Jan 7, 2016 - 17:19


In reply to by hambo325

Just because the PDF is fine doesn't mean a computer can turn it into music. A PDF contians no information about the music at all - it's basically just lines and dots with no meaning whatsoever. It's as complicatied a problem to solve as voice recognition or handwriting recognition or facial recognition, and people have been wprking on thsoe technologies for decades whereas optical music recognition is in its infancy. The program that tried to make sense of your PDF did its best, but it wasn't able to sort out a lot of things, resulting in a corrupt score. That's pretty common when using highly experimental technology.

In reply to by hambo325

When you select everything (shortcut Strg+A) then you will see, that there is total chaos. There are second and third voices (even forth voice!) on spots where they have no function. I'm really surprised that MuseScore only detects 3 errors.

When you are content with your PDF, print it. But if you want to continue your work in MuseScore you will be obliged to reenter large parts of the music.

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