Musescore 2 crashes

• Jan 19, 2016 - 23:45

Dear Musescore users,

after a lot of (unfortunately not in row documented) changings in my individual style.mss musescore suddenly went mad. It crashed while starting or saving, latest while generating a new extract (Auszug? I'm german!). My speculation: I built a footer (Fußzeile) using musescore-variable $:partName: in mainsheet (Partitur). Meanwhile I found out, that this variable is available only in parts (Auszüge); not in Mainsheet (Partitur). This should explain my problem.

In hope to get wished result I meanwhile defined a new Info-variable for Mainsheet (Partitur) named "partName" with value "Partitur". Now musescore names each extract (Auszug) konsequently as "Partitur" instead of "Bass" or "Drums".

How can I delete my user-generated variable "partName" from mainsheet (Partitur) in order to fall back to default settings?




Using a non-existing meta tag shouldn't cause a crash. Can you reproduce this?
I suspect the crash you saw is more related to your 'tampering' with the mss.
Anyhow, at the very least we'd need the score that gives you that problem, the version of MuseScore you're using and the OS, and some steps to reproduce

To get rid of such a meta tag the only option I know of would be to save as mscx, open that with a plain text editor, search for that tag, and delete it

Hallo Jojo,

I deleted infected files after my trials to repair damaged score where successful. Today restored version of score and .mss were too big for upload from this site: "The selected file Defekt Fairground 4.mscz could not be uploaded. The file is 2.3 MB exceeding the maximum file size of 2 MB."

This message made me realize, that size of my damaged .mss is 6.050 kb. Size of working new style.mss is only 65 kb. However, I can't reproduce how I managed to generate such big .mss

Your advise for deletion of meta tag worked.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hallo Jojo,

it seems, I reproduced the situation (unfortunately again without having noticed, how). After rebuilding my personal .mss, MuseScore first ran well. But it became slower day by day. Today it crashed again. I found out, that my .mss had increased to 1.570 kb. After deleting the huge Chordlist-tag and loading the remaining small .mss, Musescore ran fine again. What could I have managed, to get this big .mss?

I'm using Musescore 2.0.2 and win 10.

Best regards.


Attachment Size
Partitur 5.mscz 1.24 MB
mir Stil 2016.mss 1.53 MB

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