Embedding a Videoscore?

• Jan 28, 2016 - 00:40

I have noticed that Musescore gives the ability to embed an online music file. I would like to also embed a videoscore, but I have not found the ability to do that. Does that ability exist?


@svmoody @OUDCETALL Audio sources are now available in the embedded scores. Keep me posted if something would not work out as expected.

In reply to by Thomas

Video score selection from an embedded score works for me :-)

Here are some ideas for further improvements when embedding:

1. Have a way to specify the default audio source - presumably by respecting the default choice set in "Manage audio sources".

2. Have a way to specify heights of the video and score sections. E.g. to enable larger video size without the user having to resize the viewer.

3. The control bar height seems to be fixed at 50px, which makes sense for ensuring the buttons can be used with touch screens, but this makes setting a good height when embedding in a responsive page tricky. Either small screens are ok and large screens have an empty space at the bottom, or large screens are ok and small screens have the score partially obscured.
I suppose the fix might be some JS to adjust the iframe container, rather than anything in the MuseScore code, but I thought I'd mention it in case you have a better idea.

Thanks again!

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