Scripting/automating for batch jobs?

• Jan 30, 2016 - 13:29

Hi, I'm working with TTBB choir sheets all the
time and basically do the same thing with the sheet files the choir leader

  1. Save Everyone, T1, T2, B1 and B2 versions to separate files, by muting the
    other parts.
  2. Export these files to four mp3 files.
  3. Save all five versions of the music to with different names for the choir
    members to be able to listen to them online. Either their own part or a tutti version to hear the parts together.

So my question is could I script this somehow to be done
automatically? I'm a software developer, so if it's just possible somehow I'm
not afraid of the solution ;-)


In reply to by Shoichi

Hi Shoichi and thanks.

The downloading was news to me, but anyways it's even more work than just saving as mp3 from the editor software itself.

The dream solution to this would be to use musescore or some lib of it's from the command line to do simple muting and saving/exporting, but have no idea of it's even possible.

Of course if the online player would have "filtering" options when playing so that I could focus on just one of the parts in the sheet that would suffice for some of my needs.

In reply to by Shoichi

Our choir consists to a great part of old people. Pressing a button is the most I could expect them to perform, since I have seen that even using the mixer in the musescore desktop application is too much for them.

For this reason I have made a system on our member-only web pages where I have the song embedded and links to the different versions of the file. They can click their part and then the embedded musescore player starts playing. The choir members don't need to install anything anywhere and just have to look up the song and click the part they want to practice to.

The songbook would be a really convenient way for more tech-savvy guys, but not for this bunch :-)

In reply to by jontto

Click on FILE>Parts>New All>OK. That will create separate parts (in tabs) for each staff in the score, and each part will play separately (as a solo) from all the others. (If your singers prefer to read from a full score, send them a PDF by e-mail that they can print.)

From a visual standpoint, you will probably have to adjust the formatting (scaling, page breaks, layout stretch, etc.) for the individual parts as most of those parameters do not carry over from the score when parts are created. There are some parameters which you can adjust in the score or in one part and then click Apply to All Parts, but others must be modified and saved to each individual part.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I guess you are set. Last suggestion, if your choir members are tech savvy enough, you can share the full score with them on and they can download it in the MuseScore app for android or iOS device. In the app, they can hide the parts they don't want to see, and mute or reduce the volume from the parts they don't want to hear.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Yeah, we're actually already sharing the full file both through and over email, but most of the guys are so non-techy that they need that one or two buttons to press only if I want to be able to get them to practice a bit at home too :-)

Seems that the part-division and the mp3 export is as far as I can go with automation at this point. Perhaps I have to get acquainted with the code base at some point...

Thanks everyone for your answers.

In reply to by Recorder485


Thanks a lot, that's a feature I had somehow managed to miss completely. This is indeed very useful when practicing part by part.

Unfortunately the online player does not seem to be able to separate these from each other. My use case is to have the online player play each part, so I still have to save and upload separate files.

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