Parsons code export

• Feb 5, 2016 - 08:23


A nice (but not so easy to implement I'm afraid) feature to add would be : Parsons code export.
Parsons signature are used in some musical db to search and retrieve scores.

More on the topic : Wikipedia page



Actually looking at that Wikipedia entry, this seems implementation-wise fairly easy to achieve from a plugin, assuming some restrictions can be placed.
1. A 'melody' would have to be entered as a single voice within a single staff of a single instrument.
2. Currently, repeats/jumps won't be processed (this will be possible in the future, but the framework doesn't support unrolling yet)

I've bookmarked this as an I-might-have-a-go-at-it project (which means eta somewhere ranging from next week to next year)

In reply to by jeetee


Thank you for your comment.
The first restriction you mention (melody = 1 voice/staff/instr) is inherent to the nature of Parsons code.
The second one is OK ; if a user really needs a complete code with the repeats, he will simply have to manually copy/paste the relevant parts of the parsons code.


And I'm ready to help, for example by providing manually generated parsons code and the companion Musescore file.

In reply to by YvesD

Thanks for the offer, the plugin is actually nearly finished, but has a blocking bug. Currently it can only be ran from within the Plugin Creator and not yet from within the Menu.
I'll post an update here as soon as I've got that figured out or implemented a workaround (expect it by the end of this month)

In reply to by jeetee

Works fine !
Tested on Linux (Musescore 2.0.2 / Ubuntu 15.10)

I checked the validity of the exported code against manually written Parsons signature, on easy/simple scores and on slightly more intricate ones.

Thank you so much.

BTW : small typo on the plugins page (Eporter should be Exporter).

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