suspend auto timing/auto fill ??

• Feb 8, 2016 - 05:11

I'd like to be able to shift the timing of notes/rests in a measure WITHOUT MuseScore automatically trying to fix things up, say by doing dragNdrop or entering stuff that does not add up to, say, 4/4.

I am told that Finale and/or Sibealeous (sp?) can suspend this so called auto-correction, auto-fill feature.

Is there a preference option to do so? Or can I have a measure with NO time signature and still be able to enter and play the notes?

Perhaps I am not using the correct vocabulary?
((as has been pointed out previously in these forums))


Don't think of MuseScore as trying to "fix things up". If you select a note and change it's duration, or delete it, or enter a new note at that time position, MuseScore will do so, and will keep all other notes exactly at the same time positions you originally entered them. That is, only the notes you changed are modified - everything else stays exactly where you originally put it.

If you wish to move notes earlier or later, don't try to "trick" MuseScore into doing this by fiddling with the the durations of other notes. Simply select the notes you wish to move earlier or later and cut and paste them to the new location. That's how you shift notes or rests - select, cut, and paste.

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