
• Mar 13, 2011 - 10:01


Does anyone know, if it is possible to force five measures into one system?
As it is now, it changes automatically. But I am trying to "copy" an original ('cause it's very poor quality), and I'd like to have it exactly as the original.

Thanks. :)


Use a system break. See Break or spacer . If does not fit select some measures and go to Layout -> Add less stretch (several times if necessary). If it does not fit, reduce the size of all the music in, Layout -> Page settings -> Scale

In reply to by sas1862

I suspect you aren't using the correct break. Should be as simple as selecting the barline you want to end the system and hitting "Enter" (or double-clicking the "line break" icon in the palette - it's the first one on the palette). Any measures after the selected barline will be moved down, with the measure you added the break to then pushed all the way to the right. You'll see the green line break icon above the barline.

This assumes you current you have *more* measures than you want on the system, of course. If you currently don't have enough measures on the system, then you'll need to select the measures you want to see together and "reduce stretch" (shortcut: "{") to squeeze the notes closer together. Might have to do that a few times. Or change to a smaller scale factor in Layout->Page Settings.

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