Load Score Error ??

• Feb 9, 2016 - 23:45

Q1. Am getting a load error which says that timing in 1st measure 4/4 does not agree with 1st measure of 2nd staff in sys1 (which is a TAB staff). How can that be? They were created as linked which to me means they MUST be default.

Q2. I took a snapshot of err msg, but cannot figure how to get it into this post - even after I found "how to's" on forum. It was all about uploads, I never saved snapshot, just had it in clipboard ready to PASTE ????


I think you are misinterpreting the error message. I don't know of any messages that talk abotu,two different measures not relating. The usual message would tell you about individual measures where the content of the measure does not add up. Eg, a 4/4 measure with only 3 beats it. You might have two different such measures which is what makes you think the message is telling you they relate in some way.

For advice on fixing these types of corruptions, see https://musescore.org/en/node/54721.

As for screenshots, you would need to save it to a file then upload it. But it wouldn't help; posting an error message almost never does. We'd need to see the score itself.

Marc - I thought that many of our recent conversations were about my WANTING to turn off the automatic forcing of measures to have 4 beats or whatever, to which you replied (as I understood it) "that cannot be done."

Now you are telling me that somehow I have done it and therefore am now getting error msgs?

Which way is it? I can or cannot violate the time signature?

Assuming "cannot", then you're sugg re error msgs does not make sense.

In reply to by dpenny

If you have some special reason to *want* only three beats in a measure whose time signature is 4/4, you can force that to happen by right clicking the measure, Measure Properties, and setting an appropriate "Actual" duration. This is, for example, how pickup measures are created if you didn't enter that information when first creating your score. It's also how you might create a cadenza - by setting the actual duration *longer* than what the time signature says, so you can insert more notes. The Split and Join commands under Edit / Measure are basically manipulating this same property.

So, a measure *can* have a different duration from what the time signature says if you explicitly tell MuseScore how long you want it to be using these methods. However, once you've told MuseScore how many beats you want there to be, it will try its best to hold to that. So a 4/4 measure will always have four beats, unless you've told MuseScore to put only three beats in, in which case it will always have three beats.

This is o say, it isn't *supposed* to be possible to violate this. But there are occasional bugs that can cause some action to inadvertently mess this up, and your score somehow winds up with too many or too few beats in the measure. This is, again, a bug - it's not supposed to happen, and it can lead to worse things down the road - crashes, etc. So when MuseScore detects that this has happened, it tells you about it so you can fix the problem.

Once again, it isn't *supposed* to be possible, so any time you see this message, it means that sometime during your previous editing session, a bug in MuseScore messed up that part of your score. Ideally, you'd be able to remember what the last thing you did in that measure was, so you could come up with a series of steps to reproduce the problem from scratch and report the bug to us so we can fix it.

There are maybe half a dozen or so things in 2.0.2 that are known to cause corruptions and these bugs are already fixed for the next version. But no doubt there are bugs left to discover and fix.

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