ABC Plugin : Getting an error on importing that I cannot track down.

• Mar 16, 2011 - 21:06

Good day all. At the bottom of this entry is the file, "" .
When I attempt an import using the ABC plugin, I get the following error, "Tag mismatch at line 20 column 7" .
Lines 19, 20, 21 read:

[V:2] G/=A/B3/ E/F/G/_A/ G/F/E/Dc/=B/ | c2z2zfed |
[V:3] z8 | zC,/=B,,/C,G,, A,,C,/B,,/C,D, |

I can't find what is offending the plugin. Any guesses?
For reference sake: what I am now learning to do is work with three applications and scores that have both Treble and Bass Clefs, and one piece that has the Viola Clef.

Thanks in advance.
T:Fugue in Cm
V:1 program 1 19
V:2 program 1 19
V:3 bass program 1 19
[V:1] z8 | z8 | zg/^f/g ce g/f/g=a |
[V:2] z c/=B/c GA c/B/cd | G c/=B/c dF/G/A2G/F/ | E/c/=B/=A/G/F/ E/D/ Cedc |
[V:3] z8 | z8 | z8 |
[V:1] dg/^f/g=a c/d/ e2d/c/| Be/d/e GA f/e/ f=A |
[V:2] B=ABc ^FG=AF | G2z/C/D/E/F/G/A3/ D/E/F/ |
[V:3] z8 | z8 |
[V:1] Bg/f/g =Bc d/e/ f2- | f e/d/c/B/ A/G/ Fagf |
[V:2] G/=A/B3/ E/F/G/_A/ G/F/E/Dc/=B/ | c2z2zfed |
[V:3] z8 | zC,/=B,,/C,G,, A,,C,/B,,/C,D, |
[V:1] edef =BcdB | cg/^f/gd e2z=e |
[V:2] zAGF GF/E/FD | G2z=B c/z/c/B/cG |
[V:3] G,,C,/=B,,/C,D, F,,/G,,/ A,,2=G,,/F,,/ |\
E,,/C,/=B,,/=A,,/G,,/F,,/E,,/D,,/ C,,/D,,/E,,/D,,/C,,/B,,,/A,,,/G,,,/ |
[V:1] f/z/f/=e/fc d2zd | e/z/e/d/eB ce/d/ef |
[V:2] F2z=A B/z/B/=A/BF | G2zG A/z/AGF |
[V:3] F,,,/B,,/A,,/G,,/F,,/E,,/D,,/C,,/ B,,,/C,,/D,,/C,,/B,,,/A,,,/G,,,/F,,,/ |\
E,,,/A,,/G,,/F,,/E,,/^C,,/=C,,/B,,,/ A,,,C,,B,,A,, |
[V:1] Be/d/ef A/B/c2B/A/ | G/A/F/G/A/B/c/d/ e/d/c/d/e/f/g/=a/ |
[V:2] zA,B,C z A,/G,/A,F, | B,CB,A, B,G,F,E, |
[V:3] G,,F,,G,,A,, D,,E,,F,,D,, | E,,A,,G,,F,, G,,E,,D,,C,, |
[V:1] b/F/G/A/B/c/d/=e/ f/e/d/e/f/g/=a/=b/ | c'=b/=a/g/f/e/d/ cedc |
[V:2] F,_D=CB, CA,G,F, | G,G/^F/GC EG/=F/G=A |
[V:3] D,,B,,A,,G,, A,,F,,E,,D,, | E,, z4C,B,,=A,, |
[V:1] B=ABc ^FG=AF | G4 ||
[V:2] DG/^F/G=A C/D/E2D/C/ | B,4 ||
[V:3] zE,D,C,, D,C,,/B,,/C,,D, | G,,4 ||


The ABC plugin does not support voices and try to be compliant with ABC1.6. As far as I know, voices has been added in the draft of ABC 2.0.

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