voice 1 notes in treble clef; rest in bass clef

• Feb 15, 2016 - 04:31

I'm trying to set a hymn in musescore, which I'm new to. I have voice 1 (soprano) and voice 2 (alto) notes and rests added throughout the piece. However, as I begin to add voice 3 (tenor) and 4 (bass) parts, I can't seem to get rid of the voice 1 rests in the bass clef. What am I missing?


I think the way it works is that voice 1 will always have enough notes to fill the measure. You can set the voice 1 rest to invisible by selecting that rest and pressing "V".

EDIT: I'm not fully understanding your question. Are the voices on the same staff or different staff? How many staffs do you have?

This is a common misunderstanding. MuseScore supports up to four voices *per staff*. So when you switch to the bottom staff for tenor & bass, you should start again with voice 1 & 2. Each staff will always start with voice 1.

In an attempt to further clarify: Don't think of MuseScores voices as human voices, think of them as 'unique melody line on a staff'.

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