Bending notes, and other features

• Mar 19, 2011 - 15:36

Wouldn't it be great if we could bend notes like these:
Musescore Demo
And, also, wouldn't it be great to download files as mp3 formats? And, when importing a file as a midi, wouldn't it be great if they were imported a little bit cleaner, so we are not going "AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH" when trying to edit it? And, when we import a score from an xml format, how about the drums being imported as drums because every time I import an xml with drums, they come out as a piano tune instead of drums.

These don't have to be added to Musescore but it would be nice.


I'm not sure what you mean by "upload as MP3" but you can't save as MP3 in MuseScore indeed. MP3 is not free and you have to pay royalties to distribute it with your software. See
If you upload your MuseScore file to, you and other users can download an mp3.

Are you sure the drums mapping are in the MusicXML? MuseScore 1.0 does not export drums sound in MusicXML (see #9830: [1.0] Percussion sounds not exported correctly in MusicXML). Can you attach a non working file?

Regarding bends, I think there is some work in progress in the trunk with the support of guitar tabs.

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