
• Feb 15, 2016 - 15:02

Hi in the attached score, I have set out 3 bars to be played differently using the Volta lines. I don't understand why all three bars are playing the first time through, is that correct? Is there any way to make this score play as follows...

1st time,
Bar 1,2,3,6

2nd time,
Bar 2,4,5,6

3rd time,
Bar 2,5,6

4th time,
Bar 2,6

5th time,
Bar 2,6,7,8

I know it's a complex example, its my attempt to understand Voltas :)



Voltas are for endings only - that is, the final bars of a repeated section. Standard music notation does not allow for them to be used in arbitrary places in the middle of a repeated section. While MuseScore allows you to create this sort of non-standard notation, it won't play back. Both for the sake of MuseScore playback and for the sake of the human musicians who will eventually try to figure out what you meant, you will need to rewrite this to include the final bar of the repeated section within each volta (complete with the repeat sign itself for all but the last).

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