converting PDF

• Feb 25, 2016 - 19:08

I just tried converting a pdf score which was produced by Finale. It came through pretty well - I guess.

The time sig got changed from 4/4 to 2/2. Any idea why?

The measures have 4 1/4 notes, but measure properties says 2/2 - hmmmm.

I don't really understand, BUT, what is the fix (if any) that I should apply in MuseScore?



I'm guessing you used the PDF conversion feature on (possibly accessed via "File / Import PDF" from within MuseScore)? Well, whether you did it that way or using some other program, there is always an intermediate step - first some third party program converts the PDF to MusicXML, then MuseScore reads the resulting MusicXML file. When using the service on, that third party program is called Audiveris.

Without seeing the MusicXML file that was used as the intermediate step, it's hard to say exactly what might have happened, but generally speaking, you'd expect to see *far* more glitches in the conversion from PDF to to MusicXML than in the importing of the MusicXML. That's because converting PDF to MusicXML is basically an "artificial intelligence" problem, of a similar difficulty level as voice recognition (harder in some ways, easier in others). Whereas importing a MusicXML file is much more straightforward. It contains the right *kind* of information already; it just needs to be converted from one representation to another.

So, by way of analogy, asking a program to convert PDF to MusicXML is roughly like asking Siri to understand a complex sentence spoken with a thick accent in a noisy room. It will get some stuff, but probably miss a lot too. And that's usually the kind of MusicXML that MuseScore is then being asked to import.

Was the original actually notated as "4/4" or was it perhaps notated as "common time" (with a "C")? If the latte,r I could easily believe the PDF->MusicXML got it wrong - a speck of dust on the paper might have made that "C" look just enough like the cut time symbol to confuse it. And so forth - lots of thigns can go wrong, really.

So, I just tried to change the time sig in the mscz created bythe import PDF online setup.

It CRASHES MuseScore whether I try by dragNdrop from time sig palette or by dbl-clicking. MuseScore just hangs and I have to crtl+alt+del to end MuseScore.

Any other ideas how to change/update the newly created mscz.

Don't want to ask someone to look at a score if I don't have to, and the one time I did post a score with a Q, nobody answered.

copyNpaste measures into a new score template seems to work OK. at least I can edit the notes and timing now.

In reply to by dpenny

Well, just keep in mind there is very little point in asking specific questions like this is you don't post a sample score - there is very little chance we'll be able to provide meaningful help. And I don't know which one post you mean, but if you check other threads here, you'll see >99% of the time when people post a question with a score, they have multiple answers within hours if not minutes. Posting a score really *does* mean you'll get *much* better answers.

Anyhow, in general, adding time signatures from the palertte works without crashing of course, but if the MusicXML file MuseScore was fed was sufficiently corrupt, then it's going to be a corrupt score within MsueScore as well, and crashes are not unlikely. But again, without seeing the score, all we can do is guess.

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