Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
a bug won't fix 4.0 6 1 year
Conversion problem by design 4.0 1 1 year
Musescore crashes when moving a note after an undo GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
old style multimeasure rests closed 3.0 60 1 year
Clicking Download button redirects to another website instead of downloading. closed 3.6 1 1 year
when playing the score it is heard with echo and paste needs info 3.6 1 1 year
You can't repeat a note if it's been tied MuseScore4 GitHub issue 4.0 12 1 year
No audio duplicate 3.6 1 1 year
time signature change within composition by design 4.0 3 1 year
Low G/Concert F is not being played on musescore 4 duplicate 4.0 2 1 year
Bends not playing duplicate 4.0 2 1 year
REALLY, Really need the Conductor count in. active 4.0 1 1 year
.WAV ERRORS - SOLVED closed 4.0 4 1 year
Musescore imports wrongly if there are multiple voices in both hands of the Grand staff active 4.0 2 1 year
"Repeat start" barline is at the beginning of bar 8 instead of bar 9 active 4.0 1 1 year
Cautionary accidental parenthesis not transferring between score and parts by design 4.0 1 1 year
File suddenly went blank needs info 3.6 1 1 year
During play, sound gets distortioned sometimes duplicate 4.0 1 1 year
Guitar tabs in Musescore 4 - issue inputting certain frets by design 4.0 2 1 year
Playback freezes under MacOS 13.2.1 needs info 4.0 1 1 year
Upon opening a Musescore 3 file, Musescore 4 freezes needs info 4.0 6 1 year
Timing Issue with midi active 4.0 0 1 year
Popup not showing up on screen. active 4.0 6 1 year
Please bring back the MIDI import options from Musescore 3 active 4.0 0 1 year
Musescore really needs to borrow the "make into system" feature from Sibelius active 4.0 0 1 year