Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Sort ascending Version Replies Last updated
Crash on creating new score (after some steps) closed 3 13 years
Regression: linked staves are broken and lead to corruption closed 3.0 8 7 years
Parts page misconfiguration needs info 3.6 3 2 years
Part has corruption after exchanging voices in full score closed 2 9 years
Inspector > Articulations: spurious "Ornament style" property? active 3.5 2 3 years
Naturals appear for notes that would have been an accidental of previous key signature after undo transpose closed 5 10 years
Allow long note groups to scroll or pan in "Create Time Signature" dialog closed 2.1 39 7 years
Instrument names no longer display in this score duplicate 3.0 3 5 years
Default to pitch below note in voice 1 when adding note in voice 2 active 3 9 years
Language selection doesn't propagate to the entire program needs info 3.4 2 4 years
Musescore 4 crashes when trying to set new Shortcuts for note value active 4.0 2 1 year
aeolus missing event.h include? (Mac OS X 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.6) closed 2 12 years
Repeat barline within a measure is ignored during playback. closed 2.1 2 6 years
Meter changes do not work properly in 0.9.6. closed 5 11 years
Simile Mark as Chord Symbol (for either 1-measure, 2-measures, or 4-measures) active 3.0 14 3 months
If you install a new library in Kontakt while MS4 is running, you need to restart MS before the library can be used active 4.x-dev 0 2 years
Trills should be played like tremolos won't fix 3.0 14 7 years
Tempo pallet unresponsive active 3.0 8 5 years
MuseScore won't start up on Win10 after win update closed 3.5 3 3 years
Window enlargement incontrolable closed 9 5 years
Prompted to save before closing unedited "My_First_Score" closed 6 4 years
Nightly 2ad0757 Fail to compile on macOS ok on Ubuntu 18.11 closed 3.0 6 5 years
[MusicXML] Title converted to copyright on import if positioned at bottom of page closed 15 8 years
Crash on attempting to drag header or footer closed 3.x-dev 9 4 years
Play sound needs info 4.0 2 1 year